Medical Massage / Deep Tissue Sports Massage
Massage has been used for many centuries as part of medical treatment for a variety of health problems. It promotes good health, improved circulation and flexibility. Medical massage is often prescribed for athletes who have been injured, patients with certain types of chronic pain such as neck, back and joint pain, and those with repetitive stress injuries to name a few.
It’s also a popular treatment choice for fibromyalgia and muscle tension headaches. It’s for this reason, more and more doctors are prescribing medical massage for their patient with musculoskeletal pain syndromes.
While the benefits of a medical massage are too many to list, below are just a few of the more common benefits reported:
Decrease in pain and inflammation
Reduces cramps and spasms
Eases sore muscles
Increased flexibility and range of motion
Alleviates many types of back pain
Improves posture and coordination
Reduces blood pressure
Improved blood circulation in muscles
Helps relieve nerve compression or entrapment
Releases Myofascial Trigger Points
Reduces stress
What to Expect at your Massage
In brief, a medical massage is a treatment which is directed at resolving a particular problem(s) or condition(s) that has been diagnosed and prescribed by a physician or licensed health care provider.
Unlike a general full body relaxation massage, the focus of the medical massage session is only to the areas related to the diagnosis and physicians prescription.
While a variety of techniques are used by the massage therapist including Deep Tissue Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Positional Release and Rehabilitative Stretching Procedures, a medical massage treatment is specifically directed at resolving conditions that have been diagnosed and prescribed by a Physician.
Therefore, the treatments are results orientated and are often carried out in a series of sessions for maximum benefit to the participant.
In most cases, medical massage is used in conjunction with other types of therapy rather than as a replacement for it.
Is Medical Massage Covered by Insurance?
We Accept NYSHIP
To get your massage covered by insurance, you will need to see Dr. Pfeffer first who will then diagnose your problem and prescribe a treatment plan for our licensed massage therapist to follow. We will then confirm you insurance plan benefits prior to your first medical massage treatment.
We’re happy to answer any question you may have about getting medical massage covered by your insurance. A medical massage is generally billed in 15-minute segments using current procedural terminology and adhering to the usual and customary reimbursement fee schedule.
Schedule Your Massage Today
Living with the effects of stress, poor body alignment and injury is not supposed to be a fact of life. With a medical massage, that can be changed for the better.
To schedule a relaxing massage with our licensed massage therapist, give our office a call (631) 740-9200